What is News?

News is information about important events that have recently occurred or are developing. It is usually published in newspapers, on radio or TV and on the internet. News is often based on fact, but can also be opinionated and biased. People can be very interested in News, but it is also important to be able to distinguish between true and false information.

News can be both local and global. Local News is about things happening in the community, such as school reports and changes to local road networks. It can also include weather updates and sports results. A major event can also be newsworthy, such as a war or a terrorist attack. Global News is about world events. It can include world weather and politics, as well as disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

A news story should be interesting, significant and about people. It should also be new and unusual. A good way to assess whether something is Newsworthy is to look at the five Ws: who, what, when, where and why. If the answer to all of these is yes, then the article is likely to be of interest to readers.

In some countries, the government controls much of the media and can influence the news agenda. This is known as the State Model. There are some independent news sources, such as Al Jazeera and BBC. These are backed by millions of viewers worldwide and have global reach. There are also state-sponsored news outlets, such as China Central Television and Russia Today (RT). These have a local focus but a large international audience.

When writing a news article, it is important to write the most important information first. This is called “putting above the fold”. This means that it should appear on the top half of the page in a newspaper, or on the top of a web page before readers have to scroll down. This is so that the most important information is seen first and readers are encouraged to continue reading.

It is also important to use reliable sources. This can include experts who can offer commentary or analysis on the topic, as well as everyday people who can share an anecdote about how the issue affects them. When using secondary sources, it is important to disclose that they are a source. It is also helpful to let another person read the news story before it is published. This ensures that the facts are correct and the tone is consistent throughout the article.

People are interested in News because it makes them aware of what is going on around them and the impact that it may have on them. However, what is considered Newsworthy can differ between societies. For example, the epoch-making invention of the telephone may be important in one society but not in another, while the death of Mao Tse-tung is likely to be newsworthy everywhere. Similarly, the weather may be of interest to everyone, but only if it is exceptionally bad or unusual.

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Cape Town, South Africa