Having your very own car allows you to take off on a journey in a matter of minutes. It spares you a great deal of time on your daily commute, shopping trips, or visiting relatives. With the fast paced life that we lead today, time is often a precious commodity. Having your own automobile will allow you to save a substantial amount of time and make life significantly easier for you and your family.
Taking an automobile ride is also considerably safer than traveling by public transport. It is true that many reckless drivers are out there but if you learn how to drive and respect the traffic rules then you will be much safer than someone who travels by bus or taxi. Furthermore, if you have kids, driving can be an amazing way to bond with your family. Whether it is for a trip to the supermarket or a late night ice cream run, driving together as a family can be an excellent way to strengthen your family bond.
Before World War II, only a few Japanese companies were producing automobiles in limited numbers like Daihatsu and Isuzu. However, after the war Kiichiro Toyoda decided to switch from textile production to automobile manufacturing and established the Toyota Motor Corporation. He pioneered the use of assembly lines to speed up production and make the price of cars more affordable for middle class families. This gave the automotive industry a major boost and automobiles soon became an integral part of modern day life.
The invention of the Automobile revolutionized transportation and opened up countless new opportunities for people. For example, it allowed people to move to different places more easily which in turn gave them a lot of new work opportunities. Also, having a car made it possible for women to become more independent as they could go to work or even run businesses which were previously only for men.
In the 1910s and 1920s there was a huge push for women’s rights and one of the ways this was achieved was by the automobile. For example, two women Nell Richardson and Alice Burke went on a road trip in 1916 to promote the right of women to vote. They decorated their cars with “votes for women” banners and this really helped to change the way society looked at the role of women.